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Bluecherry Ubuntu Linux DVR Software Bundle, Includes 16 Port Video / Audio Hardware Compression Card and Version 2 Software (30 Days of Phone Support, Unlimited Tickets)

Bluecherry Ubuntu Linux DVR Software Bundle, Includes 16 Port Video / Audio Hardware Compression Card and Version 2 Software (30 Days of Phone Support, Unlimited Tickets) In USA --> Reviews North Dakota

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Product DescriptionPlease note
Version 2 is currently in a public beta.  Once version 2 is released you will be emailed a license key along with instructions.  Currently a installation CD has not been created, so you will need to install a base version of Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) and follow our step-by-step instructions on adding and installing from our repository.

Unbelievable resource management

Bluecherry's application supports both 32 and 64bit systems. You have the option to install the server only, and run a headless system without a GUI session. When using Bluecherry analog cards the CPU usage is incredible, as the video encoding and motion detection is done on the card instead of in software. This means on a typical dual core 2.6ghz system the CPU usage for 32 cameras is only 8%.

Cross platform client

Have a mixed office of Linux, Windows and OS X workstations? No problem! We provide a free cross platform remote client for Windows, Linux and OS X. Easily connect to multiple systems and stream live video and view archived footage.

Advanced authentication

Have multiple employees at your business? Only trust a few? It happens and that's why we have support for per user authentication. Only allow certain users to access certain areas of the software. Hide a camera, restrict their hourly access or prevent them from logging in from home.

Remote access

Want to watch your business while on the road? No problem! With an iPhone or Android device you can connect with a web browser and view live video. We also have a free Windows remote client that you can connect multiple DVR installations together.


Updates are easily downloaded from our Ubuntu repository. You will not be forced to completely format and reinstall when updates are released. Because our software is changing rapidly we provide free updates between major release cycles.

Reviews North Dakota Bluecherry Ubuntu Linux DVR Software Bundle, Includes 16 Port Video / Audio Hardware Compression Card and Version 2 Software (30 Days of Phone Support, Unlimited Tickets)

